
Let Love In

I’ve started a healing revolution, movement, campaign.

It’s called: Heal yourself. Heal the world.

The idea is simple; to heal the world, heal yourself. In reality, the revolution is challenging. It takes courage and honesty to look at what’s not working in life and uncover the solution inside. All of my work will focus on specific areas of healing over the next year. This month I’m focusing on letting love in.

How do you let love in? Giving love comes easy for most. We give our attention, blessings, money, gifts, love and affection. Receiving on the other hand takes practice and trust. Personally, opening my heart and letting love pass from me to you is second nature. However to open the heart and let love pass into my being from another feels unnatural. A vulnerable feeling hits up against unworthiness and it don’t feel good. As I’ve set out to heal the world by healing myself, this month I’ll be letting love in. I’m gonna practice till I’m good at it. This will culminate with a healing event titled Let Love In on July 19th from 6pm – 9pm in Eugene, Oregon. To start the healing, I’m bringing awareness to all the ways I do and can let love in.

As a mentor of mine, David Elliott often says “where awareness goes, energy flows”. So we’ll bring attention to how love wants to flow into us. My hope is receiving love will feel normal and that our health and relationships will benefit as a result. To keep things straight forward I’ve come up with a list of 10 ways I let love in. I invite you do to the same and then share your list with a few friends to spark the healing revolution.

I receive love by…

  1. Taking a moment when a patient thanks me, breathing into my body, feeling the acknowledgement in my heart.
  2. Going for a run in the morning and looking at the horizon, where the green hills meet the blue sky, and feeling thankful for another day on the planet.
  3. Being the host at my meditation center, telling a few jokes at the beginning of the program, and feeling everyone’s hearts opening and connecting in community.
  4. Taking a moment before I eat, to be thankful for nourishment, that it may allow me to serve in the highest possible way.
  5. Sitting with my wife at the end of the day and marveling at her beautiful and sweet face. I feel our hearts open. The room gets brighter and we laugh about nothing for a while.
  6. Meditating regularly. Inside I feel a smoldering and churning subtle sensation. My mind is still, body is pulsing with energy. Something fantastic is happening.
  7. Abstaining from being sarcastic, and instead breathing deep and connecting heart to heart with a friend.
  8. Noticing what I need and giving it to myself, like a nap or the right nutrition.
  9. Buying things for my home that make it feel like a sanctuary where I get nourished.
  10. Taking a risk to share how I truly see you in hope that it might help you heal. I can feel the Universe wanting me to express and my heart stretching to receive the strength to share.

I am surprised by how intimate that exercise was for me. My heart feels more awake as a result. I see that I receive love and nourishment in different ways. The place that seems most challenging for me to avail myself to love is from people. I’ll be exploring that more in the next few posts. Please share your findings with me. It will help me practice receiving. Even just 1 way you receive love is a good start. Ok, good work today! 10 ways you let love in. Spread the word. Heal yourself. Heal the world.

All Love … Luke

6 comments on “Let Love In”

  1. Susan Weeks says:

    One way I receive love is by saying “sure” when someone asks me to do something.

  2. Susan Weeks says:

    I feel love when riding my bike in the Eugene summer paradise with temperatures perfect, sky blue, clouds light and fluffy, trees and grass green and a beautiful place to do it.

  3. Susan Weeks says:

    I let the love in when I lie in the sun with its radiant heat enveloping me on all side and making me healthier for letting it comfort me.

  4. I am doing the same thing Susan. Watching the surf roll in on a lounge chair in Kauai. It feels good to love myself… Luke

  5. Eugene is Paradise in the Summer. No better place to be.

  6. I’m trying that one too. How about Yes rather than no? Doors are opening and so is my Heart.

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