
I believe that for the world to evolve and perhaps even survive, we have to introduce a new habit of self-care. You regularly brush your teeth, comb your hair, and shower. What do you do regularly to give your Soul a clean place to inhabit? Just as you take a shower to cleanse your physical body, meditation is a shower of pure consciousness that cleanses your energetic, emotional, and mental bodies.

Consciousness is the phenomenon of being aware. Right now you are aware of the words in this page. Your awareness illuminates the meaning of this sentence. Wherever you point your awareness, information flows to you. That awareness when directed upon itself has a cleansing effect. When your awareness is directed upon itself in a particular way, it has different qualitative cleansing effects. Cleansing yourself through meditation makes your awareness clear and crisp so as to navigate life with precision and elegance. Without regular inner cleansing and cultivation, you are left with the limitations of your mind and belief system.

Have you ever looked down at your hands, and had a sense of, “How did I get here, alive in this body? This is so weird!” Life is weird. Here you are, a beautiful elegant soul, living in a wonderful, finite, and bizarrely elegant and complex structure called the body. And then there’s your mind. The only information you can glean from your intellect alone is a reference of your past experiences or someone else’s. The past recycled can be useful, but also becomes predictable and even boring after several renditions, so you may fail to heed the lessons learned or value them less over time.

True originality, authenticity, and creativity only come from inner cultivation. When you fail to care for your inner world, your only options are imitation and emulation True expression only comes from peering deeply into the heart of anything. As you peer into the depths of yourself, you gain the capacity to see deeply into any subject or object towards which you focus your awareness. Meditation is the tool that accesses the deep exploration of everything. To learn more check out the events page for events related to meditation.

Love … Luke

What People Are Saying About Meditation with Luke

“I first came to Luke’s retreat ‘accidentally’ two years ago as a tired little bird with a broken wing, feeling like I might not ever fly again. Then I began to meditate, with zero expectation. Two years later here I am… ready to fly again, dream, manifest, and love deeply. Many may say life is no different; I have the same job, live in the same house, and am still single, but I can most definitely say that everything in me and around me is different.” -Anonymous


“Thank you for creating a safe space for all of us to just be; to allow all the pieces of ourselves to be welcomed and loved. The meditation is an invaluable tool that will continue to help integrate my gifts and light the world. Thank you for supporting us on our paths” – Juliette M.


“Everytime I come on a retreat with Luke I find myself in a deeper, clearer way than I ever have before. It is truly a healing and connecting experience filled with Love. I’m so grateful to you!”  – Desiree L.


“Wonderful, enlightening, and inspiring. I feel such joy and love coming from this new practice of meditation for me. Luke is a gifted, down to Earth, heart filled being who gives of himself so much.” – Jann


“Diving deep into the practice of meditation is a calling that cannot be ignored if you feel compelled. Luke is the most conscious teacher I have ever experienced. He teaches clearly while putting aside ego. I feel good about the tools I gained to take this practice into my daily life. I’m so grateful.” – April E.