
How the Nine Pains of the Heart Affect You

Classical Chinese medicine teaches there are nine “palaces” that you enter at various stages of life to learn lessons. Each palace helps you make progress within life’s curriculum. When you struggle with the lessons in one of the nine palaces, you can develop heart pains that weaken the heart’s capacity to interpret guidance from the Universe.

These are the nine palaces from which a heart pain can arise:

  1. Health
  2. Wealth (or lack thereof)
  3. Prosperity (reputation, class, honor, how you are seen)
  4. Relationships
  5. Children/Creativity
  6. Global/World Issues (includes travel)
  7. Career/Vocation (acquiring knowledge associated with)
  8. Wisdom
  9. Home/Family

These nine palaces are arenas of life where our lessons appear. Each of us will navigate the nine palaces, and each of us will struggle with a few of them to learn our core life lesson. Notice that all of the palaces deal with relationship in some way-relationship to self, to others, the world, and even Spirit.

When one of these palaces becomes stagnant or depleted, the heart feels pain. The pain serves as feedback to notify that something needs more awareness. To resolve the pain, one must face the issue at hand. These pains will not resolve themselves until you learn the life lesson. If you put off an issue in one of the nine palaces and the issue becomes a heart pain, it can cause significant impairment to health.

You cannot escape your lessons. They will be passed on at the time of conception to your children. Your children will inherit the lessons of your lineage. So, help your kids out and learn your lessons now. Your freedom can affect everyone in a positive way, and the most impacted are those closest to you. I have seen many people discover their connection to Spirit, and the many blessings that flowed to their families as a result. The greatest service you offer for the future of this world is to do your inner emotional and spiritual work.

Heal Yourself.  Heal the World.

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