Core Level Awakening Facilitator Training-SOLD OUT

January 20-23, 2022


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This event is currently sold out. Contact Oriona at [email protected] to go on the waitlist.



Three and half days diving deep into the mechanics, techniques, and intuitive art of Core Level Awakening to facilitate monthly groups for your community.

Learn to facilitate uncommonly deep integral healing work that penetrates into the core of unhealed wounding.

We all crave connection, to see and be seen, to love and be loved. Conflict is part of the process of cultivating such intimacy. If we’re up for the task of using everything for our growth and healing, relationship offers an accelerated path to learn about our partners and loved ones’ wounds so we can support one another to more skillfully navigate our pain and heal.

When you witness or enact reactivity—find yourself repeating the same line over and over, “Accept me as I am, I’m doing my best, leave me alone;” when you feel withdrawn, separated, numb or paralyzed; when you’re plagued by physical ailments that zap your energy and beleaguer you with pain and annoyance, you are entering the untapped power of your shadow lands as they crack through the veneer of the status quo.

Everyone…everyone has trauma. Our shadow shows up when we’re stressed and our adaptive measures to trauma do not sufficiently meet the challenge before us.

What if we could reclaim the parts of our being that remain castaway in nether regions of our mind-body? What if we had the capacity, sensitivity, and response-ability to allow our emotional dimensions to flow in service to what matters most in our heart of hearts?

This training will enable you to create the context and offer the tools needed to support others to live such a life.

Each participant will have an opportunity to do a piece of personal work, followed by a breakdown of the session. In the afternoon, we’ll practice sentence stems, and work in break out groups one-on-one.

If this resonates with you and you feel a calling to facilitate, training will consist of:

  • Breaking down group dynamics
  • Discerning the various levels of holding space, passive, active, engaged and becoming the space.
  • How to skillfully intervene with a participant
  • How to create the context of the work
  • The art of generating group coherence
  • Practicing sentence stems as a doorway into intuitive flow and somatic discovery
  • Refining intuition to sense when to go deeper, when to move into an opening and when to hang back and allow someone to unwind their process
  • How to do a Gestalt to separate fused parts and create space for Core Level Awareness and Healing
  • Enrolling group support and feedback
  • How to work with and honor resistance
  • Time management
  • An opportunity to apprentice post training at men’s and women’s groups will be available.

Prerequisite: Must have attended at least one CLA retreat or have done extensive work with Luke individually.


Thurs-Sun, Jan 20-23
Training concludes Sunday at 1 pm.

Daily Schedule:
Morning Session 10am-1pm
Lunch 1pm-3pm
Afternoon Session 3pm-5:30pm

Luke Adler Healing at 1633 Willamette St.


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