Yoga & Breathwork with Luke Adler & Chelsea Duke-SOLD OUT
September 27, 2019
Yoga & Breathwork with Luke Adler & Chelsea Duke
Stay Above the Fray
Combining yoga and breathwork offers you the gift of dynamic movement, much-needed stress relief, clear connection and energetic re-balancing all in one evening. Luke Adler Healing and Hard Core Yoga are teaming up to boost your yoga and breathwork practice. Stay above the fray of the busyness of work, the drama around you and the responsibilities of all the roles you play. The evening will start with 15-20 minutes of asana lead by Chelsea followed by a breathwork session facilitated by Luke.
Friday, September 27 @ 5:30 pm
Hard Core Yoga
2508 Willakenzie Rd
What to bring:
- eye pillow
- extra blanket (if you prefer extra cushion or warmth)
- water bottle
- chapstick
- yoga mat
Who is Chelsea Duke?
She is also going into her 6th season as the Oregon Athletic Department’s yoga instructor, providing restorative mobility & injury prevention sessions to the university’s athletes.
In addition to a practice of balance on the mat, Chelsea is learning the ever evolving practice of balance in life with 5 children between the ages of 13 to 9 months!
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