
Insurmountable Beingness

Some of my best friends played college soccer for one of the nations best teams. The best player on the team was named Conrad. He played on the under-24 national team and the Olympic team in the Sydney Games that placed in the top 5. Conrad went on to play professionally in the English Premier League.

When I asked my buddy what made Conrad so talented, he said, that Conrad was not a glamorous showboat kind of a player, he was very talented, and very consistent. He performed at the same level every day in practice and in games. Conrad was a player his teammates and coach could count on to perform day in and day out at the same level.

Being rock-steady is a virtue I admire. We all have good days and bad days. Who do you know that shows up to perform even on the worst of the bad days? Someone who is insurmountable is incapable of being overcome or passed over, as defined by dictionary.com. There is steadiness to this virtue that is rock like and solid. Someone you can depend on to be there. This virtue calls on our strength and at times our grit.

I have a patient who has been to deaths’ door numerous times at a young age, born into a body that does not function like most. He is so brave, so steady in his attitude that despite the surgeries, months in hospitals, enduring pain, his attitude remains insurmountable. I am always inspired to work with him and in awe of his presence.

What part of you is insurmountable, unstoppable, rock-steady? All the people I know who display this virtue do so with Heart. This strength comes from the Heart. From the center of the chest, a place of tender strength that abounds and spirals centripetally. The churning of the Heart alchemically generates an elixir that you can physically draw strength from. In Chinese medicine we call this Heart and Kidney Jing.

To be insurmountable you must steadily draw energy or qi from the Heart Kidney Jing, being mindful of your reserves so as not to deplete them. This requires a keen awareness of your energetic gas tank so to say. This balancing of output and input is artful when it comes to being insurmountable in life. How full is your energetic gas tank? Are you remembering to fill up? Share your thoughts.

Warm regards … Luke

One comment on “Insurmountable Beingness”

  1. Paula Taylor says:

    I was looking for something inspirational this morning. I'm so glad I found it. Going off to recharge right now!

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