Introducing the Core Level Awakening Facilitator Apprenticeship
A 7 month immersion in the spirit of Sacred Activism at the heart of Core Level Awakening with an emphasis on building resilient, intuitively aware and intimate community.
Learn to facilitate uncommonly deep integral healing work that penetrates into the core of unhealed wounding.Create a space and context for people to reclaim the parts of their being that remain castaway in the nether regions of body/mind. Experientially teach how to create the capacity, sensitivity, and response-ability to allow their psycho-spiritual dimensions to flow in service to what matters most in their heart of hearts.
This training will enable you to create the context and offer the tools needed to support others to live such a life.
During retreats each participant will have an opportunity to do a piece of personal work, followed by a breakdown of the session. We’ll practice sentence stems, and work in break out groups one-on-one. Between retreats we will meet monthly on Zoom to inquire and refine our capacity to lead and facilitate the work.
The apprenticeship is designed for you to create, sustain and facilitate deep community structured within the values of Core Level Awakening—transparency, vulnerability, emotional literacy, intimacy, connection, accountability and support.
We will explore several ways to create a monthly or semi-regular group. As a facilitator you can have group members check-in. At the end of the group 1 person can do a piece of work or you could lead multiple people in short pieces of work. You can configure the group in multiple ways, which will be thoroughly explored in the apprenticeship.
If this resonates with you and you feel a calling to facilitate or have a desire to more deeply understand the intuitive process of Core Level Awakening, I invite you to register.
Elements of Learning:
- Breaking down group dynamics
- Discerning the various levels of holding space—passive, active, engaged and becoming the space.
- How to skillfully intervene with a participant
- How to create the context of the work
- The art of generating group coherence
- Practicing sentence stems as a doorway into intuitive flow and somatic discovery
- Refining intuition to sense when to go deeper, when to move into an opening and when to hang back and allow someone to unwind their process
- How to do a Gestalt to separate fused parts and create space for Core Level Awareness and Healing
- Enrolling group support and feedback
- How to work with and honor resistance
- Time management
- An opportunity to apprentice post training at men’s and women’s groups will be available
As well as exploring the contextual principles of the work:
- Arrive and working from the context of Not Knowing
- The work is a Free Solo
- Everything is Workable
- Feeling into and from a place that is beyond life and death
- Making contact with deep longing and riding its current towards freedom, healing and integration.
- Relating to the client or participant as a soul that was Born to Heal
Must have attended at least one CLA retreat or have done extensive work with me individually and have a sincere interest in creating, supporting and/or leading groups facilitated in the style of Core Level Awakening and/or to bring this work more deeply into the culture of your family and friends.
Details and Logistics:
Two in-person events and monthly Zoom sessions:
- First event– a six day retreat at Crescent Lake (food and lodging included), Tues, Nov 1st- Sun, Nov 6th
- Second event –a five day training in Eugene, Wed- Sun, end of March 2023 (dates TBD)
- Monthly Zoom sessions through May, except for the months we meet in person
Daily Schedule:
Morning Sessio0n, 10 am – 1 pm
Lunch, 1 pm – 3 pm
Afternoon Session, 3 pm – 5:15 pm
- Trainings begin at 2 pm on Tuesday at Crescent Lake in November and 2 pm Wednesday in Eugene in March.
- Trainings conclude Sundays at 1 pm.
All Zoom sessions occur on the 4th Thursday of the month from 6 pm – 8 pm the following months:
- December
- January
- February
- April
- May
$2,300 – $2,500 depending on accommodations at Crescent Lake
$800 Deposit due by October 3rd.
So looking forward to this adventure with you
Love… Luke
***300 discount for anyone who has taken a CLA retreat with me.